Attack of the Dark Cherry BlossomTrutenor
The story that started it all...brought R/S fans out of the closet, and inspires several R/S fans to this very day. It
was the very first R/S story on as well as the very first R/S lemon.
When Dreams of Her Dark Destiny start to affect her, can Sakura turn to Ryu for help? And will she tell him of her feelings
for him?
Satsu no Hadou Saga
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Reunion Saga (Love of a Dragon chapters)
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When Two Worlds Collide Trippy Libby
My very first R/S supporter. I am always grateful for the fact that she stuck around with me for so long. And once she
wrote her R/S fic, I felt like Ryu and Sakura were only going to get bigger. She continues to make me feel that what I do
for Ryu and Sakura isn't a waste of time. She is just one of the many fans that keeps R/S alive! If you are reading this Libby,
I gotta talk to you on aim or msn or something! You are just too cool of a person to not get to know better!
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Eternal SpringChan Yoruymatiha
Ah yes, my cute little apprentice. Her story is one of the most beautiful things that I have ever read, and she also continues
to give me a reason to do the stuff that I do. She is my little sister, always giving me advice when I need it or just a smile
to cheer me up. If you like my work then you are sure to love hers!
COMPLETED A RyuxSakura romance! The growing affection between Ryu and Sakura blossoms into a beautiful love, but can it
endure through the obstacles to come, especially with Bison?
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Cherry Blossom DragonSakura Yosei
I remember finding this gem one random day while surfing through the SF section at But when I did, it was like
everything stopped. The story was just written so well. It made me proud to be an R/S fan. Very proud.
What Happend when
Ryu finally takes in Sakura as a student? A Romance!
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